Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Togekiss is possibly such a great pokemon. it's beautiful, flies all around. hell it can learn some amazingly poweful moves, too. Recently I've been raising one in Pokemon Black and this thing can fight! I bred from a Togetic which I traded for through GTS. I ended up breeding until I got a max stat IV in HP for Togepi. This means once...

Amazing Pokemon Artwork for Togekiss

So as many will assume, it's great to be starting in a brand new town! Here Nuvema offers the classic quaint feel brought about from Pallet Town in Gen I. We can see mom doesn't care too much as our friends are mucking around the room, causing chaos. The initial opening scenes included by Nintendo and Game Freak showcase the classic artistic...

Starting Pokemon Journey in Nuvema Town

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

As of lately I've been running into some very random Pokemon titles. Chaos Black seems to be the latest installment having taken me by surprise. Naturally this game is either hacked or created from external software developers, but the whole thing just screams fake. Granted this shouldn't come as a surprise. Game Freak has never really...

Pokemon Chaos Black: The Ripped Version

When switching over into Unova we notice a great chance in the pokedex. this includes not only design improvements, but also the dual screen displays. below we've got a sample image including what you may find inside of the Unova reigon... Notice we have both a guy and a girl's model. I'm not sure why prof juniper really makes this so.....

The Unova Pokedex - Futuristic Pokemon Technology from Black & White